Saturday, June 6, 2009

Celebrating with Julienne

Long before I started shouting out, "Tall half-caf, lowfat latte for here," at Starbuck's, I was ordering full-caf, full-fat cafe au laits at Julienne in San Marino.

A friend, who was once the restaurant manager for the popular eatery, introduced four other Gymboree moms and me to the joys of cafe au laits and Julienne nearly 20 years ago. It was like a modern day circling of the wagons when we six moms took over the cafe's patio with our six oversized strollers filled with our bouncing bistro babies.

Since then, Julienne has continued to be a special place to meet friends for breakfast or lunch or to purchase a package of their buttery, cheesy parmesan toasts for a party. (As a matter of fact, just last month I met two of those same Gymboree moms for breakfast.)

So when I found out that Julienne owner Susan Campoy was publishing a cookbook, Celebrating with Julienne, I knew that I had to have it.

I have a wide range of reasons for adding a cookbook to my collection. Sometimes I want a curl-up-by-the-fire read filled with luscious photos and food memories. Other times I'm focused on a a specific cuisine or a favorite chef. And then, more often than not, it's about trying to duplicate the restaurant experience.

Celebrating with Julienne hits all those buttons. Part of the joy of dining at Julienne is the attention to detail in the food and every aspect of the decor. I love how the book mirrors the warmth and surprising details of the restaurant. I immediately curled up with the book and savored every delicious page.

But, of course, looks aren't everything. I love how the recipes, many of my favorites, are easy to follow and organized just like Julienne with a Brasserie section (breakfast and lunch), Gourmet Market section (with favorite recipes from Julienne To Go) and Celebrations with ideas and recipes for a chocolate festival, family Easter, Hollywood Bowl picnic, an evening in Morocco, a harvest feast and a winter celebration.

I started off easy with something I've been eating for years: the Candied Applewood Bacon. You have to love a recipe with just two ingredients - bacon and brown sugar.

Julienne Candied Applewood bacon served for breakfast with left-over oven-roasted red potatotes and sauteed spinach.

I'm looking forward to cooking and baking and celebrating my way through Celebrating with Julienne.

(Celebrating with Julienne is available in the Pasadena area at Julienne, Vroman's, Joan's on Third, Marz, Nicole's Gourmet Foods, San Marino Stationers, Hollyhock, Savor the Flavor and Little Flower Candy Co. You can also order a copy here or on


Margaret said...

I'll have to get a copy. Do you have a favorite dish you were happy to see included?

Unknown said...

I want a copy!!! :)

Kalei's Best Friend said...

San Marino is the home of where most of the Rose Parade queens live... The upper crust of Pasadena.. a lot of beautiful homes there!...Gonna check out her book

Kalei's Best Friend said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jean Spitzer said...

Okay, bacon with brown sugar! A friend recently told me about this, I made some (based on her description) and it was delicious (the kind of thing you should only make when there's only a few strips of bacon in the house or you're having folks over).

Sounds like a good cookbook to check out.

Susan C said...

Margaret, great question. I'm going to come back to that when I have another minute. (85 people will be arriving here in two hours. What am I doing on the computer?)

Banina, You won't be sorry.

Chrissy, San Marino is indeed a beautiful place. Also home to the Huntington Gardens and Lacy Park (a public park that charges admission to non-residents on the weekends).

And thanks for letting me know about the link. I've fixed it.

Jean, The bacon couldn't be easier. Put the bacon on a rack over a foil covered sheet. Smear on about a teaspoon of brown sugar on each strip. Then bake for about 35 minutes.

Ali (Whole Life Nutrition) said...

Oh I love cookbooks, especially those with stories included. Restaurant cookbooks are always a joy to read, and how neat that this used to be a favorite hangout spot for you and your mom friends! Thanks for sharing this. I just came across your blog today.

-Ali :)

Cafe Pasadena said...

I'd shout out from Starbigbucks too SC. After spitting it out!
I see those oven roasted red potatoes in your pic: Huh! Never had a tasty restaurant experience with them. Why eateries continue to sell such tasteless...I dunno. I don't think I will ever pay for such potatoes anywhere, anymore. I'll ask to replace them with something, anything, else!


Otherwise, xcept for wishing Julienne was more dog friendly, it is very good. Thanks to the owner/chef for the many years of good food. May she RIP.

bing said...

hi, bloghopped from blogs of note. like to tell you that i love the whole idea of your blog.

sauteed spinach? wonder what it tastes like..

Laurie Allee said...

I've wondered about that place since I moved to south Pas! Now I must go. And get a copy of the book, too.

Mortimer S Mortimer said...

Ymmmm. I must have this cookbook!

Jessica said...

Candied bacon is phenomenal, I had it once served with chocolate pancakes at a "dessert breakfast". I am a collector of interesting cookbooks and this seems like a must add!

M.s.s said...

hi Susan
i find your blog by "blogger-blogs of note"
you have so interesting blog

Unknown said...

Just stopping by from the Blogger "Blogs of Note". I really like your blog and hope to come back soon and visit again.

Michael said...

Keep us posted on other delicious recipes!

Petrea Burchard said...

I was excited to see this book hit the shelves. I'll thumb through it and see if I'm brave enough to take it on!

Legiman said...

Hi, I like the idea of your Blog!
A pretty good blog!

Gothic_Butterfly said...

OMG! You must be great cook! I can tell! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Mhhh, If I read it I'd get 100 kilos just in one week! :( I'm so unlucky with that! hugs

Marcy said...

Do you hear that? ( grrr rumble grrr ) The sounds of my tummy now growling thanks to you! tehe I had bacon hours ago for breakfast, but mine didn't look nearly as scrumptious as yours! I always bake my bacon. Thank you for sharing another wonderful post, and have a wonderful day Susan! xo~

Angels March said...

Congratulations on making Blog of Note!

Rebel Mel said...

I tried to start following this blog, but you don't have a "follow me" button. I have MANY blogs, but I think you might like two of them especially. One of them is slowly filling up with recipes I have written, and the other one is going to be a diary of everything I eat. If you're interested, stop by. And get yourself a following link!

Anonymous said...

Hi i just made a new blog.... anyone have tips for me to increase traffic to it??i would surely appreciate it.

Bec said...

I know we've been commenting back and forth on this cookbook but I'll just echo that this is well-written. I love to "read" cookbooks and sometimes I've found ones that are fun to read with gorgeous photos but the recipes don't turn out well. It's not the case with this one!

Margaret - the dishes I was excited to see were the creme brulee french toast and the spinach crusted quiche

Cafe Observer said...

I'll give a shout out to publisher Colleen for all her time in putting this cookbook together.

Camille said...

meet your meat:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I just thought I would tell you that I featured your blog in my blog :D
It isn't much but i thought you might want to know ^__^ Have a wonderful day!

Hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment or follow ;D tehe


Joan said...

Hi there! I love your blog =) I see that you have deleted a comment on this post...I'm assuming that was because someone chose to be rude or something! Did you know you can choose the option under settings so you can approve comments before they actually post? It really helps! to go try that brown sugar bacon!!


Concord Carpenter said...


adriana said...

doarpoze: Rugaciune la Rameti

J said...

That picture makes me hungry. At least I have some leftover chicken quesadillas in the refrigerator. Kudos, friend.

Pyzahn said...

Try wrapping a strip of bacon around a thin crispy bread stick (about pencil thin) leaving a couple of inches of stick open, then dredge bacon in a mixture of brown sugar and a little red (hot) pepper. Bake....uh....I think at 325 until the sugar carmelizes.

Handle carefully.

Serve at room temp as an appetizers.

Mmmm good.

Anonymous said...

Whats with all your new friends? Theres a party going on here
I've never been here but I recall reading about it. I also think this place is up the street from what was once the John Birch society. Good ole San Marino. Go Titans!

Fiona said...

oh... i need some toasts to go with that! :)

Me said...

I miss this place soooo, now that I live in Sparks, NV! Parking was so hard to come by there, but the delicious food and service made the search worthwhile!!

Susan C said...

Thanks, everyone, for visiting and all the great comments.

Rebel Mel, Thanks for suggesting that I add the "follow" button to the blog. I felt a little shy about doing that.

Cafe Pasadena, You don't like roasted red potatoes? They're a favorite at our house, even among the picky eaters. I have to make a LOT to ensure leftovers for breakfast.

Bing, I know sauteed spinach may sound strange for breakfast, but it's become one of my fave side dishes in the morning.

Jessica, Love the idea of a dessert breakfast. Julienne's creme brulee French toast would be perfect for that, right Bec.

Felicia, Thank you for featuring my blog on your blog. That's so nice of you.

Pyzahn, Thanks for the great recipe.

PA, I remember the JB Society. The director's son was my fourth grade student, and (confession), he was my favorite.

Happy Medium, Pasadena to Sparks sounds like quite a leap.