Daughter C. gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He arrived a month early, but is healthy and strong and already developing a taste for the ultimate comfort food - mother's milk.
Please forgive the shortage of posts. Between the new baby and a trip to the East Coast (which I hoped to complete before baby's arrival), I'll be a bit tied up until the 28th.
I look forward to finding a bigger baby boy and a few dozen vine-ripe tomatoes when I return.
Congrats on the new arrival. Have a safe trip to the East Coast! :)
Congratulations and safe travels. :D
Congratulations! Enjoy your trip!
Another congrats... I hope u have someone watering those tomatoes for ya while u r gone... How are u holding up w/this heat??
Congratulations to your daughter and the baby's father. Have a wonderful vacation.
SC, don't worry about the posting while your away out there in the east coast. Just leave out some food for us and we'll be oK.
Thank you all for your good wishes for the baby and my trip.
And, CO, I'll leave out a nice bone marrow (and a few toast points) for you.
This is great news. Now how many grandchildren does this make? Love the photo you chose to illustrate the good news.
Congratulations and thanks for the beautiful pics.
The photo reminded me of a meeting of the condo board of which I'm secretary: we spoke of birds' nests.
Broom them, blast them, drive them out!
I did not dare say that over the past 3 years we have entertained robins, goldfinches, and purple martins just in 2009.
We mother-henned them up to the time the chicks flew off on their own - finding ourselves giving pep talks to slow fledglings!
Then the empty nest gets the old heave-ho...not before!
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